The story of how a 30-something carnivorous daughter-of-a-trapper ventured into a bold new vegan world.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Now what?

Last Friday marked the end of our original, 30 day concept. 

Saturday, we entertained friends from out of town.  We decided to "reward" ourselves with a "free day", and I worked with my chef to create a tasting menu as the highlight of weekend. John and I could barely contain ourselves at the thought of tasting BBQ beef, pulled pork, macaroni and cheese, smoked chicken, blackened seafood, cheese flights, mashed potatoes and gravy, grits with cheese, sweet potato fries with spicy mayo, fried chicken and chocolate pudding.  We had bite after bite after buttery, cheesy goodness, and it tasted great.  At first.  It definitely provided a mouth feel we'd been missing.  At first.  By the end of the meal, the food just seemed overwhelming.  My stomach ached.  The happiness I thought these foods would give me didn't come.  Talk about anticlimatic!

When we settled into bed that night, John said to me, "I don't want to go back to eating like that all the time.  For the past month, I've been in control of food.  Eating like we did tonight, food is in control."  Okay, so we've got some issues tied to food.  It might not be like that for you.  But, the right answer for us right now is to continue with veganism.  We immediately went to the store and replentished the cupboards with barley, beans, delicious winter vegetables, spreads like hummus and locally made peanut butter, nut milks and crusty breads.  Can I say, "We're doing this for life!"?  No, but I can happily say, "We're doing this right now!" 

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